As a guest to this bulletin, you are welcomed to browse all topics and content published on this site.
To post new topics and leave comments, you must have a user ID and be logged into this bulletin blog. If you do not already have a user ID, simply click ‘Register’ in the lower right corner to obtain one. Then return to this bulletin and click ‘Log in’ to begin contributing to this site.
Site Structure
The structure of the postings in this site is as follows. Think in terms of a hierarchy where the following terms are used:
> Categories
|—> posts (can have multiple posts within a category)
|—> comments (can have multiple comments within a post)
As a way of explanation, the terms could have been used, but were not:
> Folders
|—> Topics or Subjects
|—> comments or discussions on the topic
Submitting Posts
After logging in, you can leave comments on a post, but to create a new post, you must first enter your administrative mode by clicking ‘Site Admin’ in the lower right corner of this page. Click ‘Writing Posts’ to access WordPress help.
You can create a new post by entering a title and a description of your subject. Assign your post to category by selecting one listed on the right. You can save your post as a draft if you need to hold it and come back later to finish it later. Your post will not be shown to everyone until you press the ‘publish’ key. Remember to ‘publish’ your post when you are finished.
This site is monitored by a ‘blogmaster’ who will review all posts and decide to leave it. Also, he may choose to change the category, but will take your assignment into consideration.
From your admin mode, you can return to this site by clicking ‘Estate Garage Sales Bulletin Board’ in the head at the top of the page.
This is a WordPress blog. For those who are are not familiar with WordPress and want to learn more, click the ‘’ link in the lower right corner.
Posting Calendar Events
Calendar events are posted the same as other posts. Enter a title and description of your event. Notice the ‘Event Calendar’ category to the right is grayed. At the bottom of the page, click the ‘plus’ sign under the ‘start’ text, then enter the start and end dates and times. This will assign your post to the ‘Event Calendar’ category. You can save your post as a ‘draft’ if you need to hold it and come back to finish it later. Remember to publish your event when you are finished.
Request New Categories
Submit new ‘Categories’ requests my emailing with your requested title. These will be reviewed and posted if accepted.
That’s all there is to it. We encourage you to participate in this site, share and contribute your experience and knowledge for others to benefit.
If there are any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster by emailing us at or call 214-213-1069.