Going To Sales

Introduction – Going To Sales

15 February 2011

Going to sales can be one of the most interesting and rewarding activities you may experience. Whether it is an estate sale, garage sale, community or group sale, each provides its own unique atmosphere as well as possible opportunities.

What Interests You

Whatever motivates you, the excitement of the hunt, find that rare and unique treasure, collecting as a past time or collecting as an investment, visiting areas and homes you may not otherwise ever be able to see, all these activities are exciting and the activity can be good for you.

Collecting Treasures – always on the lookout for that special item that you cannot otherwise live without. Maybe its “Oh, my grandmother had one just like that!” and I always wanted one. You never know what you may find on the road of collecting.

Collecting for the investment – choose one (or several) items of interest and you will be amazed at how quickly you can add to your collection.

Personal Use – it will surprise you how good of quality of items you can find at sales. From new in box, almost new or used, all these can help save on your budget. From furniture, appliances, clothes, automobiles and even perishables, these are all at unbelievable prices.

Furnishings – a new home, apartment, college dorm or weekend and vacation get aways, estate and garage sales are the places to shop. Not only can you save a bundle, but quality of older items are many times much better than what you can buy in the store today. It is unbelievable the savings on furniture, but also the savings on every day kitchen and glassware will add up quickly. The rare and unique only adds to the quality of your furnishings.

Types of Sales

Estate Sales – organized, larger amount, more variety and mostly clean items. These are most times a bargain especially compared to retail prices. You may not find that one time “touch down”, but you never know. But, know your prices. When you find it, buy it, don’t pass it up. It probably won’t be there when you go back.

Garage Sales – maybe less organized, not as much variety and sometimes not as clean. Items are many times better priced and is possible to find that “touch down”. Again, be prepared to buy it when you find it. Don’t pass it by.

Block Sales – in a neighborhood or apartment complex where multiple houses have a garage or yard sale at the same time. A great place to shop and can hit several sales at one time.

Church Sales– or any kind of non-profit organization, such as Boy Scouts. Again, a great place to shop where you may have a the contents from multiple families. You can take the advantage of those who have spent the time and effort of consolidating multiple sources of items. And, it is for a good cause.

Flea Markets and Bazaars– provides a wide variety of antiques, collectibles and crafts. A great place to purchase hand made items that are unique to your region. As these age and grow in popularity, they can become quite large, but you can still find unique bargains.

Where to Start

The Internet is a wealth of information. Follow the listings on websites like www.estatesalesdallas.com. Also, check out the ‘Event Calendar’ in the right column of this blog. Browse the ‘Event Calendar’ category for more information about each event. These may contain links back to the individual events website.


Going to sales can be one of the most interesting and rewarding activities you may experience. Whether it is an estate sale, garage sale, community or group sale, each provides its own unique atmosphere as well as possible opportunities.

As you may conclude, there is a wide variety and exciting reasons you may pursue the hunt of the sale. But remember, whatever they are always enjoy and share your experiences with others.